=== INSTRUCTIONS ON VIEWER PROGRAMS === Two programs have been included in this package: browser.exe - a text file browser with syntax highlighting qd.exe - the "quick and dirty dump" program readme.txt - this file (as always) various demo fodder files They aren't incredibly sophisticated, but I've got enough use out of them to figure someone else might, too. These programs are free software (at least this release -- March '94) subject only to the following restrictions: The author (Robin Anderson) retains copyrights to the software, and any copies you distribute must be distributed with this file (readme.txt). There! That sounds like enough legalese to me. BROWSER ------------------------------------------------------------------ Usage: ------ BROWSER [-x] [ -43 | -50 ] Summary: -------- This program is a text file browser that also does syntax highlighting on C/C++ programs, and, partially, Pascal and xBase programs. This program opens the file in read-only mode. It can also display in EGA/VGA 43/50 line mode. Use the cursor keys to move through the file, and the Esc key to quit. C++ source code is available, please e-mail Rob Anderson at 70353,3430. Examples: --------- Try the following commands on the sample files included: browser readme.txt browser kbtest.c browser comtst.pas browser balance.prg Bugs: ----- Program expects a color monitor. You must specify -43 for EGA only, and -50 for VGA only. The syntax highlight colors can't be changed. Horizontal scrolling is quite slow. Browsed file can be no more than 2000 lines and/or about 150k. Program does not expand tabs. QD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: ------ QD Summary: -------- This program is a binary file dump program. Unlike most other dump utilities, it allows you to alternate between "raw" and "formatted" views of the data. This program opens the file in read-only mode. Commands: Q - quit; N (or most keys) - next "record" (advance current record length bytes into the file); P - previous (opposite of next); O - offset (go to byte n of the file); L - length of record (set increment/decrement amount); F - format (select file to be used as a "format file" describing a record); R - raw mode (resume display style as at program startup). Numeric arguments can be entered in decimal or in hex (by preceding the hex code with an 'x'). Format files have the following layout: 0 to 22 lines with a numeric followed by spaces and a short description of a "field". The numeric is the length of the field, the text is the label to display by it. 0 or 1 line containing an '*' immediately followed by a numeric. The numeric is the total "record" length. ANSI C (Unix compatible) source code is available, please e-mail Rob Anderson at 70353,3430. Examples: --------- Try the following commands on the sample files included: qd roommate.dbf{Enter} Ox20{Enter} (note the 'O' as in offset, not zero) Ffld.f{Enter} {Enter} {Enter} O98{Enter} Frec.f{Enter} {Enter} {Enter} {Enter} Q Bugs: ----- You can continue to "seek" page after page past EOF, but nothing displays, of course. Numerics entered in format files must be in decimal, not hex. Hex numerics are entered by preceding the digits with an 'x', but are displayed as ????h. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 1994